Saturday, August 8, 2015

We're all adjusted over here

Nugget was a very easy baby for the first 4-6 weeks - at least for me.  She definitely preferred her mama over others, but it wasn't a big deal.  Then, around 6 weeks, she became more alert.  And she was generally happy...for about 10 minutes out of every 3 hours.  Our schedule went like this -

Nurse for 15-20 minutes
Coo and smile  for 5-15 minutes (unless we attempted tummy time)
Start to fuss, but comforted if held facing out for 10-15 minutes
Lose it and fight sleep like a banshee; refuse to be held by anyone else but mama. 10-30+ minutes
Fall asleep for 30 minutes to 2 hours

There were also times when Nugget would scream as if in pain.  We are pretty certain she has silent reflux, but she was not having any issues with weight loss so I didn't want to start her on medication.  I'd tossed around the idea of taking her to the chiropractor, but couldn't make up my mind (figures).  Then some friends of ours said they took their son to the chiro after 6 months of colic, found out his hip was out of alignment, and saw a night-and-day change. So I scheduled the appointment.

The chiro found some mild hip misalignment, and basically made adjustments all the way up Nugget's back, especially the areas that contribute to reflux as well as making some adjustments to her neck since she has a tendency to favor one side. She also showed me how to do inversions with Nugget to help her spine realign on its own, which I'm not going to describe in any fashion because I don't want to be responsible in any way for someone attempting them on their own, but Nugget seems to really like the inversions.

That evening, both the hubs and step-daughter were able to hold her without her throwing a fit.  The next day at daycare, the staff said she had a REALLY good day.  They are still struggling with her fighting sleep (which she does, if you miss her "window" you are in for a battle) but they saw a definite improvement.  We go back to the chiropractor in a few days to evaluate and readjust as necessary, but I'd say we are definitely seeing an improvement. Yay!

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