I'm stopping by to write for a quick reprieve before jumping into work for the day. The holiday lull has definitely ceased at work and "slammed" is how I again describe my day to the hubs when I get home from work.
The hubs and I are both very tall, so we make tall kids. BW, in particular, is off the charts. at 2 1/2ish, she is almost 42 inches tall and 40 lbs - about the size of the average 4-5 year old. SB is shortly behind her at almost 40 inches tall and 33 lbs. This brings about a host of challenges, like having people mistake BW for a 4 year old and expecting her to behave like a 4 year old, and giving us the side-eye if she throws a 2-y-o tantrum. She's potty trained now, so at least the judgy looks about her wearing a diaper have stopped, but there are some days I want to have a t-shirt made that says, I'm 2, so people know that she is just acting her age sometimes.
However, I think the hardest thing is meeting the emotional and physical needs of a 2-y-old in a 4 year old-size body. I can still pick both of them up and carry them if necessary, but there are times they want to be held and cuddled by their mama, or they just need a carry because their legs are tired, or because they are TWO. BW doesn't get carried much, because (1) she's a lot to carry, (2) she isn't a good contributor to being carried - she doesn't hold on and just hangs out and makes you do all the work and (3) she doesn't seem like she needs to or should be carried because she seems older than her age. I have to remind myself, too, that she is still only 2, and sometimes 2-year-olds needs some carries and cuddles, because. Even if my back sometimes disagrees.
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