Friday, February 27, 2015

Growing up

We are nearing the homestretch to twin two-year-olds, folks, and also nearing the homestretch to three under three.  Ack.  The hubs and I were discussing when to celebrate SB and BW's 2nd birthday, and decided that we will plan it for a few weeks after nugget is here.  That will accommodate a possible early delivery without wrecking birthday plans and also allow people to meet nugget if they so desire.  We're also tossing around adding in baptism for nugget since we will have family that would need to travel from out of state for baptism.  Of course, I would feel a bit bad about piling all those events on family members in the same weekend, but oh well.

I can't believe they are almost two already.  It seems like they just turned one.  Although they have typical toddler moments, the are just  SB's hair hasn't grown in front yet, so she has built-in bangs.  BW's hair, on the other hand, grows in a lovely mullet-ish style that results in her hair hanging in her eyes but the rest of the hair on the top of her head not being long enough to pull up into a proper ponytail.  She won't leave clips in so she gets a sideswept ponytail that sticks out to hold her hair out of her eyes, at least.  I swear it seemed shorter this morning and I sometimes suspect that daycare may take a scissors to it. 

Although SB was more vocal when they were little, she is definitely our more reserved twin (ironic since I labeled her "social butterfly"), but the risk-taker - that child has no fear.  She will jump off of almost anything.  I see broken bones in our future.  She has an extensive vocabulary but will try not to use words if you let her get away with it.  If you ask her to use her words, she often says "please" while knocking on her head.  I have no idea where she picked up that gesture.  Her favorite phrase right now is "I do it!"  She is very coordinated for her age and height (99%) and is very frustrated that she can't quite figure potty training out because she really wants to wear underwear.  She is definitely a mama's girl and loves to give ferocious hugs and loves animals.  She is still a picky eater and will eat the minimum required to survive, although we recently discovered she loves marshmallow peeps.

BW is our "family ambassador" she loves saying hi to people and now that she is starting to learn the daycare employees' first names, she loves saying hi and bye to them as we enter and leave every day.  She likes things need and organized and loves to throw things in the garbage if they belong there.  She also loves to help and volunteers to "help" sweep, empty the dishwasher, and cook.  She also wants to "help" with vacuuming but it still a bit scared of the vacuum so ends up being a bit distraught over it.  She is definitely more empathetic than her sister and is quick to comfort SB, but is also the first to push, hit, bite, etc. to get her way if necessary.  She is taller than SB and much less coordinated, and also much more cautious.  She will "jump" off of things by stepping down, then triumphantly say "I jump!"  She particularly loves being goofy right now and making us laugh - it looks like we may have a class clown in our future.

I'm looking forward to seeing what personality nugget has.  Will she be more like SB or BW? Or will she be some combination of both? Or entirely herself?

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