I thought I'd add another update on Nugget since her chiro visits - it's been about a month since she was adjusted, and she is still just a completely different baby from the grouch she was from 6-12 weeks. She is almost always smiling and cooing and laughing now, and loves to interact with other people. She is happy to go to anyone else, and continues to gain weight like it's her job (which, I guess, for an infant, it is). She has mostly good days at daycare, and although ANOTHER sickness (ugh, which hit all three littles, we were snot free for like a week, sigh) has her restless, she is generally sleeping good for naps and bedtime.
Speaking of naps, she has suddenly decided she no longer likes the Rock N Play. She will no longer nap in it, and prefers to lay flat in her crib. I'm a bit hesitant to sell it yet (what if I have a sleeping emergency and need it?!) but I don't think we are facing a battle to transition to the crib for naps. Whew.
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