Thursday, October 8, 2015


I am tired.  Oh, so tired.  SB has been extra clingy and whiny lately.  I initially thought it was just a phase or a "Two" thing, but the hubs has been feeling awful for the past few days with a headache, and has been diagnosed with a virus of undetermined origin, so I suspect SB may have the same thing, since she seems to pick up all the germs that exist in the universe. 

Last night was killer.  I was up late working until 11 pm. Then Nugget woke up, so I nursed her and crawled into bed around 11:30.  SB woke up around 12:30, and was up crying off and on until approximately 2 - when I went in with a blanket and pillow and slept on her floor...until the hubs came and woke me up about 45 minutes later to nurse Nugget again.  Went back to bed until about 5:30, when Nugget decided to nurse again.  As she was dozing off, heard SB start crying again.  Put Nugget down, took SB to the potty.  Nugget woke up.  SB wouldn't go back to bed.  Put SB in our bed at 6:00, awake but happy to snuggle into my pillow.  Hubs brought Nugget, wide awake and happy as a clam, into our room as well, and I got ready for work.  So, two children whose normal wake time is 7 am both up before 6 am, and I'm running on...about 4 hours of interrupted sleep? 

Wah.  The hubs was nice enough to bring me lunch today with an extra sugary treat and some soda to give me an afternoon kick of caffeine.

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