I packed up the three littles and went to visit my mom this weekend. She was working on a sewing project and I remarked that I needed to get out my sewing machine that the hubs gave me for Christmas last year and do some sewing. She chuckled and asked me when I was going to do that.
I WANT to learn to sew. My mom sewed a lot when I was growing up. She could whip up Halloween costumes, hem things, take things in, make me two prom dresses - you know, she's THAT good. She made my baptism gown, which was worn by BW for her baptism, and also made gowns for SB and Nugget. I want to make things for my kids, too. At least a freakin' pillowcase dress or blanket or something. Or be able to hem things or take skirts up so the length makes more sense on long, tall little girl legs. I can sew a button on, but otherwise haven't really done any sewing since 8th grade home ec class.
I also bought an adult coloring book and colored pencils. It's supposed to be as close to meditation without actually meditating that you can get. I'm waiting for them to be delivered. I'm not sure when I'm going to do that.
The hubs and I have discussions where he tells me he feels like he is the lowest priority. I'll admit, other things come before him a lot of the time. Work, kids, other family help...but I come in even below him. Well, except for sleep. I am not one of those people who can function on a few hours. Well, I guess I can, but it's not pretty. I have to triple-check emails for typing errors right now, and some still slip through. But I'm still trying to figure out how to carve time out for what I like, too.
Like reading, or putting puzzles together that have more than 24 pieces, without the help of a toddler, or finishing the crocheted baby blankets for my two now-toddlers, or coloring, or sewing, or running.
I've ready all the advice about making time for me, how important that is, blah blah. But I already have so little time with my kids, and they already act out sometimes when they are low on mommy time. I can't let work slide without jeopardizing my job, and I can't let my hubby slide because my marriage is so important as the foundation of my life. So I just keep trucking along, and maybe I can do some coloring here and there.
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