Nugget has taken me into new territory once again. About a month ago, she started getting wishy-washy about taking her bottles. Daycare was struggling to get her to take her whole bottle. Daddy was struggling at home to get her to take her whole bottle. I wasn't too worried because she was teething and was only missing out on a few ounces here and there.
Now, a month later, the little stinker is pretty much outright refusing bottles. Takes an ounce here or there. I can nurse over lunch most days, and have been doing so, but she is effectively taking in anywhere from 2-4 ounces in addition to her nursing session. If she is getting a full session, which I think she is, she is probably getting close to the 9 oz she would be expected to take in, so I'm not too worked up about it, but it makes life more interesting, as I'm supposed to have a work trip coming up, that I am seriously expecting I might have to bring my mom with me on so she can watch Nugget and I can nurse, since she won't take bottles. She's not nursing at night to make up for the low volume at daycare, in fact has dropped to one night waking, and isn't eating much for solids yet, so I'm a bit baffled. She could easily be taking in 5+ oz a nursing session though, so 5 feedings could still be 20-25 oz of milk, which isn't abnormal. SB and BW were every-three-hours during the day and 1-2 times a night nursers until close to a year, so this chubby baby who slows down her eating thing is all new to me.
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