Friday, August 7, 2015

Back to work

So, I'm back to work.  It was harder to return to work than when I returned after SB and BW were born - I think it's because I knew the 12-week leap (See Wonder Weeks) was coming and I was able to take it in stride instead of being overwhelmed by the fussiness.

I was also glad to be getting back to work because there was a ton of stuff going on and I felt like I was falling further and further behind. 

When SB and BW started daycare as infants, DH had a hefty commute and usually left for work around the time I was getting them up for the day.  Now, DH has a very reasonable commute and daycare is on the way, so we tag team the morning routine and daycare drop off. I'm lucky that he is so "all-in" with the taking care of our kids - the only thing he struggles with is pony tails for SB and BW (they still have really fine hair that hasn't outgrown the toddler mullet but hangs into their eyes so it's not easy to put it up and out of their faces), so he usually gets them ready for the day and I quick put their hair up before we head out the door.

It's so quiet at work.  I enjoy the noise break. But SB and BW are still adjusting a bit to being back in daycare full time.  BW told me "I don't want to go to daycare today." Sigh.  Hang in there girl, it's almost the weekend.

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