Friday, August 21, 2015

To the Dr. or not?

No, this is not a post where I ask for anonymous internet input on whether or not I should take my child to the doctor.

But seriously, I hate trying to figure out if I should take my kid to the doctor.  Daycare has been rough on our household.  I'm a believer in building immunity, so I don't super clean or sanitize at home (except following our nasty bout of norovirus brought home from daycare...which we only found out was the super-contagious, super-yucky norovirus AFTER everyone in the house had been knocked down by it...) however, daycare means that SB and BW always seem to have a bug.  Runny noses are the norm, not the exception.  I hate that I have snotty-nosed kids all the time.  We should buy stock in Kleenex.

We've also managed to remain largely ear-ache free - SB and BW have only had one each.  So with a few other miscellaneous ailments, they each have only had to have antibiotics 3ish times in 2 years.  Not bad.  But I constantly struggle with deciding how high/how many days of a fever warrants a trip to the doctor, which will usually result in - it's probably a virus, but here's some drugs.  I'd prefer not to go that route.

However, with two older toddlers in daycare, Nugget was bound to get sick - and she is already on her second cold in three months.  Poor baby.  The nasal congestion isn't something I'm too concerned about, our Nose Frida just gets a workout.  But now she has a cough that has persisted a couple days.  So I'm at that place again where I try to decide myself - virus? Or something that may require some big guns, like a nebulizer or something?  I feel the nurse line is no help, as they seem hesitant to provide any other advice than "you better bring her in just in case." Argh.

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