Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Did you hear that?

BW is in this fun stage where she says "Did you hear that?" or "Did you see that?" and the hubs and I almost always repeat it and giggle because all we can think of is Elf and Will Farrell and the belch scene when he says "did you hear that?"  It's awesome. 

Christmas with 2 and a half year olds is SO MUCH FUN.  They get it enough to be excited about it this year.  They can sing large portions of Christmas songs and have some favorites (Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah...)

Christmas with 2 and a half year olds and an infant is EXHAUSTING.  Nugget started sleeping better, and is taking bottles again (hooray!) but then got sick and therefore sleeping like poo again, plus is suddenly starvingmusteatseveraltimesatnightbecauseyoudidn'tfeedmeforafewweeksexceptforthoseyuckybottlethings.
I got a whopping 6 hours of interrupted sleep last night, some of which was on SB and BW's floor since BW must have had a nightmare and either wanted to sit in the bathroom pretending to poop with the lights blazing or have me sleep next to her on the floor.  Floor it is.  So, we're hosting both Christmas Eve and Christmas day at our house (thank you, divorced parents).  Luckily, the hubs is the cook in the family, an this week is the week our cleaning lady comes, but still.  I already don't have enough time.  Even with doing nearly all of my shopping online, I am still struggling to find time to wrap the gifts. Christmas cards just got finished up last night (and in the mail today! they might make it!).  Work still needs to be done and stuff, and the end of the year is looming quickly.  At least I'm sort of halfway not really but its better than it was caught up on laundry. 

So, I could be freaking out.  I could be sleeping even less to get everything done (and I probably will tonight and tomorrow) but last night as we wrote out Christmas cards we had ice cream and DH and I teased each other and laughed and entertained DSD with our witty banter and childish behavior (there was a pen fight that drew blood and tickling and sitting on one another and otherwise acting not our age).  It was a great pre-holiday evening.

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