Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The last time...

I read an article or blog post a few years ago, can't remember which, about how we celebrate the "firsts" for kids, but how it's the "lasts" that are the most bittersweet.  With Nugget, I am finding how true that is.  I am 99% sure she is our last baby.  As the article stated, you often don't even know that you had the "last" until it is already gone.  Like the last time baby fits into a newborn outfit.  Or the last time you see that gummy smile before a tooth pokes through. 

I've sold our infant swing.  The rock n play is folded up, waiting for me to list it for sale.  The bouncy seat is stashed in our storage room, also waiting to be sold.  Nugget is closer to seven months than six.  She is sitting up on her own, army crawling across the floor, and loving eating solids.  I am oh-so-tired, but I know that there will be  time not very far off that I will not sleepily carry Nugget into our room in the early morning hours, before the sun is quite up, and snuggle and nurse her while we both half-doze.

This morning, BW picked out her clothes, then completely dressed herself, except for a little help with her socks.  With three under three, I've been working on self-dressing with SB and BW, but to have it suddenly a reality makes me realize how quickly they are growing up.  SB talked excitedly this morning about how when she gets bigger she will ride on the school bus, the biggest one.  Soon enough, little one. 


Then, we got to daycare and BW threw a fit because she wanted to go first (I'm not sure what or how she wanted to go first, as we were walking down the hall and she was in front of me) and then SB started crying as well, because why wouldn't you cry if you sister is crying? Still my little toddlers, after all :)

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