Friday, April 24, 2015

Approaching D-day

I've come to the realization today that I am only a few days away from where I was when I was induced with SB and BW.  Days.  It's so strange.  I had a yucky day yesterday where I had some minor stomach ailment and it sent me into a panic for a bit that it might be early labor. 

I need to preface my next comment, because I don't want it to come across as flippant.  We were trying to conceive Nugget.  We wanted a third child.  But we weren't expecting to be successful SO quickly, if at all, so I feel like a part of this pregnancy for both the hubs and I has been a bit of...not denial, but...delay?  Like, we wish it wasn't going to happen quite so soon?  SB and BW have been going through some tough sleeping times as a result of DST and loss of the pacis, so the thought of adding a newborn on top of that is literally exhausting.  We're already exhausted.  I am, thanks to my chiro visit, sleeping blissfully well, considering I am quickly approaching single digits until my due date, aside from the multiple times a night when I woken by a crying toddler. The hubs has been a champ, he gets up often to tend to them so I can get more sleep since I'm huge and preggo and all, but there are also times when this mama can't resist getting up to comfort her babies.

So, we're sleep-deprived, and unprepared. The infant carseat is still in storage, so it needs to be retrieved, washed, and installed in the car.  I'm still trying to figure out the configuration for three car seats in our less-than-friendly for carseats vehicle. In the process, I've considered a minivan...gasp. I've got size one diapers stocked, but still need to snag some newborns. The nursery is closer to being done, but still needs pictures hung.

So, nugget - stay put for a little while longer.  Mama is still comfortable, and we have a lot more to accomplish before you are an outside baby.

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