Saturday, April 25, 2015

The countdown is on, and twin laundry dilemmas

So, my last post whined about how unprepared I am for Nugget to arrive.  What do I do?  Agree to house guests a few weeks before my due date.  Then get sick two days before they are to arrive, when I would ordinarily be frantically cleaning before they arrive.  The hubs has (once again) stepped up and done the cleaning that needed to be done, and offered to help with SB and BW's laundry.  However, this is a realm where I am really on my own.  SB and BW are different sizes - about 5 lbs and 1.5 inches difference between them.  They are also built differently - BW has LONG limbs and a poochy tummy because her ab muscles still haven't closed; SB has a petite build with a longer torso.  Also, toddler clothing has NO consistency whatsoever.  It's worse than vanity sizing for adults, I think.  The only area where I can cleanly separate their clothes by size is pjs, and as they start to prefer two-piece pjs over footies, even this is getting blurred.  So, I know in my head what fits who and quickly sort through the clothes for each kid.  However, I can't say to someone else "BW gets all the 4T shirts (yes,4T - she is very tall) and SB gets all the 3T shirts" because BW still fits well in some of the 3T.  Pants are the same - some of the 3T are still too long for SB; some still fit BW but I have passed on to SB as she has outgrown her 2T pants.

I have also complicated this by getting hand-me-downs/buying used clothing for about a year, some from other twin parents, some not.  I would estimate about 85% of their clothing is used; I do buy them new stuff occasionally!  Which is great for my wallet, but usually results in trial and error for what fits when, since I buy ahead sizes figuring at least one of them will fit into it at some point - I think i have a few things up to size 6 already.   I miss when they were close enough in size that they could just have a completely shared closet, though - so much easier for other people to help with laundry.

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